Automatic Sensor for temperature check

Temperature Check Sensor Keeping Employees Safe Most facilities are reconciling how to check people into their facility but making sure they are not carrying a temperature. They are positioning people at the entrances to perform a temperature check. This is to minimize spreading the virus to others. What if this could be performed automatically? What Read more »

How can we help you provide the quickest Emergency Response? Cameras are great for watching. How about listening? How would you respond to hearing any of these sounds? What kind of response time should be expected? Hanwha cameras can not only provide a video feed but they can detect sounds as well. Wave software can Read more »

What is a Clean Room A clean room is a room or area that is rated based on how many dust particles are allowed per cubic meter. They are rated from 1 to 9. What type of rooms do you have in your facility that are ISO rated and what are those ratings? How do Read more »
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